Friday, 13 December 2013

Manual and Digital cameras

Here is a photo of me dressed up like a 1950's actress Bridget Bardot as we was able to use the manual and digital camera that our teacher brought in to get a feel of how hard it is to step up and use each camera. The photo above was like this before I changed it to black and white to give it that old look.

Here is the photo in black and white, this gives the photo that old look. The camera that took both photos was a digital camera as the photos from the manual didn't came out so good.

This a group photo of my media level 2 group dressed up like 1950's actors and actress. That was a great day seeing everyone look different. Thank you to Miss Mordle and Mr Kasper.

Here is photo from the manual camera, as you see that it gives the photo that you can tell that it's from a manual one

Potato printing

Here is me cutting up a potato as this technique would be called potato printing as I understand now how hard it is for people that had to make letters :)

Here is my initials of potato printing, as you can see that the letters didn't come out proplerly and it was a bit slippery but it was great lesson with laughs along the way :) 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Photoshop header

As you can see that this picture in the post is my header. I created this header on Photoshop Suite C4, at first was a bit tricky but I got there in end, hope you like it :)

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Prezi PowerPoints

Prezi PowerPoint on: